Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Enjoying Results!

In the past I'll admit it, I'd been very "TO DO LIST" focused. Each day I had my list ready to go & I would spend the day checking off items as I completed things.

Checking things off my TO DO LIST had me feeling a HUGE sense of accomplishment by the end of the day...well, that was unless I looked at my list & found that some of the items weren't checked off. So, as my life got busier with my growing family & my expanding business, I started to move tasks to the next day & the next & the next. This was making me feel not so great about myself.

Honestly, I just knew in my heart that had to be a better way!

Recently my husband & I signed up for Anthony Robbin's Mastery University & I found that "better way" in Tony's program, the Time of Your Life, thanks to my fabulous AR Coach, Andrew Devlin!

Well, this 10 day program basically helps you to think differently about your life & become more results focused. I'm currently working on implementing this into my life & it is going REALLY well.

So, now when I start my day I'm focused on the RESULTS I want to create & why, then I focus on the actions I need to take to make my results my reality. Sure, there is still a "TO DO LIST", which I now call my "ACTION LIST", however, I am not hung up on completing EVERYTHING on the list. More importantly I am focused on making my result happen which might only require 20% of the items on my list to be completed!

This new way of thinking is changing my life!

For more on the Time for Your Life, visit:
