Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Enjoying Results!

In the past I'll admit it, I'd been very "TO DO LIST" focused. Each day I had my list ready to go & I would spend the day checking off items as I completed things.

Checking things off my TO DO LIST had me feeling a HUGE sense of accomplishment by the end of the day...well, that was unless I looked at my list & found that some of the items weren't checked off. So, as my life got busier with my growing family & my expanding business, I started to move tasks to the next day & the next & the next. This was making me feel not so great about myself.

Honestly, I just knew in my heart that had to be a better way!

Recently my husband & I signed up for Anthony Robbin's Mastery University & I found that "better way" in Tony's program, the Time of Your Life, thanks to my fabulous AR Coach, Andrew Devlin!

Well, this 10 day program basically helps you to think differently about your life & become more results focused. I'm currently working on implementing this into my life & it is going REALLY well.

So, now when I start my day I'm focused on the RESULTS I want to create & why, then I focus on the actions I need to take to make my results my reality. Sure, there is still a "TO DO LIST", which I now call my "ACTION LIST", however, I am not hung up on completing EVERYTHING on the list. More importantly I am focused on making my result happen which might only require 20% of the items on my list to be completed!

This new way of thinking is changing my life!

For more on the Time for Your Life, visit:


Monday, November 22, 2010

Enjoy being Early!!

Being early has been a problem for me in the past; it's something I recently started working on with my coach & seems to be going well.

A couple of weeks ago I was actually ready for our camping trip before my husband was, a first for sure! Also, last week I was 30 minutes early for an appointment!! Honestly, I really enjoyed being early, I felt calm and present in my meeting!

Now get this, I've already put up my Christmas tree & it isn't even Thanksgiving!!

This is the first Christmas miracle that I am experiencing this year, so exciting! Being early for this was just a matter of looking over our schedule for the next few weeks that made me realize I won't have time to get it done without feeling rushed. Also, I had some time this past weekend to do it and so I did and actually enjoyed the process!

Now, have I been late recently, YES, but what I have done in those situations is take some time to understand why. So, why am I late, turns out I'm trying to do too much, ha, there is a pattern here for sure!

My coach also pointed out to me that when I am early I get to show others how much I love them. Thinking of it this way works better for me than what someone told me in the past that when you are late you show others how much you value your time more than theirs, that just feels icky. It isn't true, I don't value my time more than others, see I think for me, it is really a case of me trying to do one more thing before I leave. Productivity is a high value for me (more on this in a future post)!

What I realize is that it is more important for me to be on time than to do that one more thing. So, I'm becoming conscious of wanting to do that one more thing and just not doing it and instead focus on being on time.

Hope this helps you to enjoy being early!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Enjoying the rain!!

Some may be singing, rain rain go away today, well, it's not me.

I am enjoying the rain!!

Maybe I am enjoying the rain more than most because I get to stay home all day in my pajamas, if I choose, and listen to the sound of the rain drops hitting my roof.

Sleeping when it is raining is my favorite! It took me quite some time to get out of bed this morning, it was so warm and the rhythmic sound of the rain was so soothing. The sound of the rain reminds me of being back in Chicago, my home town, however, I remember quite a different feeling after the rain would go on for about a week.

So, that could be why I enjoy the rain here in LA, it typically doesn't last very long!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Enjoy Food...Pics

Now, I wouldn't call myself a foodie, I'm not a food critic or a connoisseur. However, I do enjoy eating good food. Also, I enjoy taking pictures of beautiful food before I eat it.

Apparently taking food pics has become quite a hobby for me, I even have an entire album on Facebook dedicated to them. The pictures aren't really fabulous, they are just taken with my iPhone. Honestly, this all started because it seemed to bother my husband each time we were out at a restaurant and I pulled out my phone to take a pic. Then I would post the pics to Facebook and they started to gain some popularity among my Facebook Friends.

So, to annoy my husband just a bit (in a fun way), give me a little laugh and document my gorgeous food for me & my FB friends, I do my best to pull out my phone to take a picture before I eat. I'd enjoy seeing what you are eating!

To check out more of my food pics, visit:


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Enjoy this beautiful day.

This morning I was searching google for a picture to share with you all to inspire you to enjoy your day! So, I was excited when I came across the picture here and wanted to know more about where it came from & what it was all about.

Turns out it is an image from a t-shirt made & sold by this adorable small business out of Oxford, OH, Wire & Twine. All of their products are designed and produced by hand, most within the four walls of their workshop! You can see more about their story here:

They've got a huge selection of really cool t-shirts that you might also enjoy, my second favorite is the Facetime t-shirt:


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Enjoy" Camping

Now, for those of you that know me, you know that I really don't "enjoy" camping, I do it because my boys enjoy it. Living with 3 boys, you are often outnumbered on a lot of things, camping & riding is definitely on the top of that list in my house. It's a good thing I "enjoy" baseball!

On our last trip I attempted to go out on a ride in the dunes & came right back to just putt around the camp, yeah that's me pictured in my bitchin' gear!!

Well, the way I look at camping is that I need to find the joy in it. Now, I do enjoy the people we camp with, I enjoy time by the fire & the socializing, however, since I have a hard time sitting & doing nothing, you will often find me in our trailer cooking, baking, reading, working, cleaning or playing Words with Friends on my iPhone, if I have service. If you have any other suggestions on enjoyable camping activities that I might be missing out on, please post those below.

Honestly, the thing I really don't enjoy so much about camping is that the work that goes into preparing to leave, I'm not much into preparing, I like to just get to it. However, I am into systems & when my friend Marsha shared with me her system for getting ready for a camping trip, I was all ears! Marsha shared with me her Camping List that helps her to ensure she has all she needs while she is away, I am going to implement it for our next camping trip & see if I "enjoy" camping a little more, I'll let you know!

Oh if you'd like me to share Marsha's camping list with you, email me at: