Monday, November 22, 2010

Enjoy being Early!!

Being early has been a problem for me in the past; it's something I recently started working on with my coach & seems to be going well.

A couple of weeks ago I was actually ready for our camping trip before my husband was, a first for sure! Also, last week I was 30 minutes early for an appointment!! Honestly, I really enjoyed being early, I felt calm and present in my meeting!

Now get this, I've already put up my Christmas tree & it isn't even Thanksgiving!!

This is the first Christmas miracle that I am experiencing this year, so exciting! Being early for this was just a matter of looking over our schedule for the next few weeks that made me realize I won't have time to get it done without feeling rushed. Also, I had some time this past weekend to do it and so I did and actually enjoyed the process!

Now, have I been late recently, YES, but what I have done in those situations is take some time to understand why. So, why am I late, turns out I'm trying to do too much, ha, there is a pattern here for sure!

My coach also pointed out to me that when I am early I get to show others how much I love them. Thinking of it this way works better for me than what someone told me in the past that when you are late you show others how much you value your time more than theirs, that just feels icky. It isn't true, I don't value my time more than others, see I think for me, it is really a case of me trying to do one more thing before I leave. Productivity is a high value for me (more on this in a future post)!

What I realize is that it is more important for me to be on time than to do that one more thing. So, I'm becoming conscious of wanting to do that one more thing and just not doing it and instead focus on being on time.

Hope this helps you to enjoy being early!


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