Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Enjoy" Camping

Now, for those of you that know me, you know that I really don't "enjoy" camping, I do it because my boys enjoy it. Living with 3 boys, you are often outnumbered on a lot of things, camping & riding is definitely on the top of that list in my house. It's a good thing I "enjoy" baseball!

On our last trip I attempted to go out on a ride in the dunes & came right back to just putt around the camp, yeah that's me pictured in my bitchin' gear!!

Well, the way I look at camping is that I need to find the joy in it. Now, I do enjoy the people we camp with, I enjoy time by the fire & the socializing, however, since I have a hard time sitting & doing nothing, you will often find me in our trailer cooking, baking, reading, working, cleaning or playing Words with Friends on my iPhone, if I have service. If you have any other suggestions on enjoyable camping activities that I might be missing out on, please post those below.

Honestly, the thing I really don't enjoy so much about camping is that the work that goes into preparing to leave, I'm not much into preparing, I like to just get to it. However, I am into systems & when my friend Marsha shared with me her system for getting ready for a camping trip, I was all ears! Marsha shared with me her Camping List that helps her to ensure she has all she needs while she is away, I am going to implement it for our next camping trip & see if I "enjoy" camping a little more, I'll let you know!

Oh if you'd like me to share Marsha's camping list with you, email me at: Tera@AofWE.com

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